
Input Types

Input types are used as arguments for mutations and queries to provide input data to an operation.


Fields to create a system configuration for an account.

Input Fields

enableConcurrentPosting - Boolean When true, allow concurrent posting to the account. See BalanceType for balance retrieval options available for concurrent-enabled accounts. Defaults to false.

upsert - Boolean

When true use an upsert on the accountId index to upsert and avoid unique constraint violation.

If account already created, the existing account is unchanged.


Filter conditions to apply to an account query. Filters are only applied if the field is used by the specified index.

Input Fields

accountId - FilterValue Filter on the accountId field. Required when using index AccountIndex.ACCOUNT_ID.
externalId - FilterValue Filter on the externalId field. Required when using index AccountIndex.EXTERNAL_ID.
name - FilterValue Filter on the name field. Only available when using index AccountIndex.NAME.
code - FilterValue Filter on the code field. Only available when using index AccountIndex.CODE.
status - FilterValue Filter on the status field. Only available when using index AccountIndex.STATUS.
custom - CustomIndexFilter Filter conditions for a custom index. Only available when using index AccountIndex.CUSTOM.
search - SearchFilter Filter conditions for a search. Only available when using index AccountIndex.SEARCH.
codeUnique - FilterValue Filter on the code field. Required when using index AccountIndex.CODE_UNIQUE.


Specify the pre-defined AccountIndex and sort order to use in a query.

Input Fields

name - AccountIndex! Indexes for querying Accounts. To optimize query performance and apply desired filters, choose the appropriate index.
sort - SortOrder ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).


Fields to create a new account.

Input Fields

accountId - UUID! Unique identifier for the account.
externalId - String Allows specifying a unique external ID associated with this account.
code - String! Shorthand code for the account.
name - String! Account name.
normalBalanceType - DebitOrCredit! Determines whether account should use a debit- or credit-normal balance. Default: CREDIT
accountSetIds - [UUID] IDs of AccountSets to add this account to.
description - String Description of the account.
status - Status! Current status for the account. Default: ACTIVE
metadata - JSON Metadata attached to this account.
config - AccountConfigInput System config for the account.


Fields to create a system configuration for an account set.

Input Fields

enableConcurrentPosting - Boolean When true, allow concurrent posting to the account. See BalanceType for balance retrieval options available for concurrent-enabled accounts. Defaults to false.

upsert - Boolean

When true use an upsert on the accountSetId index to upsert and avoid unique constraint violation.

If account set already created, the existing account set is unchanged.


Filter conditions to apply to an account set query. Filters are only applied if the field is used by the specified index.

Input Fields

accountSetId - FilterValue Filter on the accountSetId field. Required when using index AccountSetIndex.ACCOUNT_SET_ID.
journalId - FilterValue Specify the Journal to use with eq. Required for all indexes.
name - FilterValue Filter on the name field. Only available when using index AccountSetIndex.NAME.
custom - CustomIndexFilter Filter conditions for a custom index. Only available when using index AccountSetIndex.CUSTOM.
search - SearchFilter Filter conditions for a search. Only available when using index AccountSetIndex.SEARCH.


Specify the pre-defined AccountSetIndex and sort order to use in a query.

Input Fields

name - AccountSetIndex! Indexes for querying AccountSets. To optimize query performance and apply desired filters, choose the appropriate index.
sort - SortOrder ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).


Fields to create a new account set.

Input Fields

accountSetId - UUID! Unique identifier for the set.
journalId - UUID The journal for the set. If omitted, the default journal will be used.
name - String! Name for the set.
description - String Description of the account set.
normalBalanceType - DebitOrCredit! Determines whether the account set should use a debit- or credit-normal balance. Default: CREDIT
metadata - JSON Metadata attached to this account set.
config - AccountSetConfigInput System config for the account set.
accountSetIds - [UUID] IDs of AccountSets to add this account set to.


Input Fields

memberType - AccountSetMemberType Whether the member to add is an Account or AccountSet
memberId - UUID! Identifier for the member to add. When adding accounts, this is the accountId. When adding account sets, this is the accountSetId.


Filter conditions to apply when querying members of an account set.

Input Fields

accountSetId - FilterValue Filter on the accountSetId field.
memberId - FilterValue Filter on the memberId field: the UUID of a member Account or AccountSet.


AccountSet fields to update.

Input Fields

name - String Name for the set.
description - String Description of the account set.
normalBalanceType - DebitOrCredit Determines whether the account set should use a debit- or credit-normal balance.
metadata - JSON Metadata attached to this account set.
config - AccountSetConfigInput System config for the account set.


Account fields to update.

Input Fields

externalId - String Allows specifying a unique external ID associated with this account.
code - String Shorthand code for the account.
name - String Account name.
normalBalanceType - DebitOrCredit Determines whether account should use a debit- or credit-normal balance.
description - String Description of the account.
status - Status Current status for the account.
metadata - JSON Metadata attached to this account.
config - AccountConfigInput System config for the account.


Input Fields

configId - UUID! Unique identifier for this configuration.
endpointId - UUID! Endpoint to use for decisioning this ACH file.
journalId - UUID! Journal to post settlements into.
settlementAccountId - UUID! ACH Settlement Account.
exceptionAccountId - UUID! Account to post to when an exception occurs, such as a Velocity Control or Account in a locked state. Funds in this account will be returned.
suspenseAccountId - UUID! Account to post to when an account is not found. Funds in this account will be returned.
feeAccountId - UUID! ACH Fee Account.
odfiHeaderConfiguration - AchOdfiHeaderConfigurationInput! ACH Processor information for files.
timeZone - String! IANA Timezone identifier for the configuration. Example: "America/Chicago"


Input Fields

configId - UUID! The configuration to use for generating return file.
fileKey - String! The key to store this file.
fileType - AchFileType! The type of file to generate.


Input Fields

immediateDestination - String! The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
immediateDestinationName - String! The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
immediateOrigin - String! The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
immediateOriginName - String! The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.


Input Fields

configId - UUID! Configuration to use to process this file.
fileKey - String! The file key to use for this file.
fileType - AchFileType! The type of file being processed.


Input Fields

endpointId - UUID Endpoint to use for decisioning this ACH file.
journalId - UUID Journal to post settlements into.
settlementAccountId - UUID ACH Settlement Account.
exceptionAccountId - UUID Account to post to when an exception occurs, such as a Velocity Control or Account in a locked state. Funds in this account will be returned.
suspenseAccountId - UUID Account to post to when an account is not found. Funds in this account will be returned.
feeAccountId - UUID ACH Fee Account.
odfiHeaderConfiguration - AchOdfiHeaderConfigurationInput ACH Processor information for files. Note: replaces existing odfiHeaderConfiguration
timeZone - String IANA Timezone identifier for the configuration. Example: "America/Chicago"


Input Fields

journalId - UUID Journal to attach calculation to. This parameter is ignored when attaching to an account set. Defaults to the default journal if not provided when attaching to an account.
accountId - UUID! Account or Account Set to attach calculation to.
calculationId - UUID! Calculation to attach.


Filter conditions to apply to a balance query. Filters are only applied if the field is used by the specified index.

Input Fields

journalId - FilterValue Specify the Journal to use with eq. If omitted, the default journal will be used.
accountId - FilterValue Filter on the accountId field. Required when using index BalanceIndex.ACCOUNT_ID.
currency - FilterValue Filter on the currency field.
calculationId - FilterValue Filter on calculationId field when using BalanceIndex.DIMENSION
dimension - DimensionFilterValue Filter on dimension field when using BalanceIndex.Dimension
custom - CustomIndexFilter Filter conditions for a custom index. Only available when using index BalanceIndex.CUSTOM.
search - SearchFilter Filter conditions for a search. Only available when using index BalanceIndex.SEARCH.


Filter conditions to apply to a balance history query.

Input Fields

modified - FilterValue Filter on the modified timestamp.
committed - FilterValue Filter on the transaction commit timestamp for the specific balance record version.


Specify the pre-defined BalanceIndex and sort order to use in a query.

Input Fields

name - BalanceIndex! Indexes for querying Balances. To optimize query performance and apply desired filters, choose the appropriate index.
sort - SortOrder ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).


Input Fields

layer - Expression! The layer this balance limit is enforced at. Must resolve to SETTLED, PENDING or ENCUMBRANCE.
amount - Expression! The maximum amount at this layer that can be spent. Must resolve to a decimal.
normalBalanceType - Expression! The direction this balance enforces on as an upper limit. Must resolve to CREDIT or DEBIT.
start - Expression The timestamp at which this balance limit begins to be effective. If provided, must resolve to a timestamp. Defaults to the creation stamp of the underlying control. @example("timestamp('2022-01-01T14:00:00.000Z')")
end - Expression The timestamp at which this balance limit ceases to be effective. If provided, must resolve to a timestamp. Defaults to infinite timestamp. @example("timestamp('2022-01-01T15:00:00.000Z')")


Input Fields

sqls - [String] The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.


Input Fields

begin - String The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
end - String The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.


Input Fields

name - String Human readable name of this bulk execution. Default: "Bulk Query"
key - String! Key to file to execute.
executionId - UUID! Unique Identifier for this execution of a bulk query.
query - String! Parameterized GraphQL query string to execute.

transform - String

Optional jq transform to run on variables in file identified by key. The result of the transform must be a list of json variables.



Input Fields

calculationId - FilterValue

Conditional logic by which to apply a filter on a query.

Each FilterValue object must contain just one key/value pair.

Valid: { eq: "123" }
Invalid: { eq: "123", gt: "100" }

code - FilterValue

Conditional logic by which to apply a filter on a query.

Each FilterValue object must contain just one key/value pair.

Valid: { eq: "123" }
Invalid: { eq: "123", gt: "100" }

status - FilterValue

Conditional logic by which to apply a filter on a query.

Each FilterValue object must contain just one key/value pair.

Valid: { eq: "123" }
Invalid: { eq: "123", gt: "100" }


Input Fields

name - CalculationIndex!
sort - SortOrder ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).


Input Fields

id - String! The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.


Input Fields

journalId - UUID The unique identifier for the journal that card transactions will post to by default. If omitted, the default journal will be used.
settlementAccountId - UUID A unique identifier to an existing settlement account that card transactions will post to by default. If not provided, a default card transaction account will be used as the settlement account.


Input Fields

calculationId - UUID! Unique identifier for this calculation.
code - String! Unique shorthand code for this balance calculation.
description - String! Human readable description of this calculation.
scope - CalculationScope! The calculation scope of this calculation. Defaults to GLOBAL. Default: GLOBAL

dimensions - [PartitionKeyInput]!

Group by these values to index the calculation.

The account, transaction and entry are available for use in the dimension computation on context.vars.

condition - Expression A boolean expression indicating if an balance entry should be written. The account, transaction, tranCode and entry are available for use in the dimension computation on context.vars. @example("has(context.vars.account.metadata.policyPayment)")


Input Fields

principal - String! Principal that this client applies to. If you're supplying your own OIDC this will be the iss claim on your JWT. If using Twisp IAM/OIDC token exchange, this will be the IAM principal you signed with, typically a role ARN.
name - String! Unique name of the client.
policies - [PolicyInput]! The policies to evaluate.


Input Fields

id - UUID! Unique ID for the group.
name - String! A human-friendly name for the group, such as 'Admins' or 'DataAnalysts'.
description - String! A brief description of the group's purpose, intended to provide additional context.

policy - String!

A set of policies to apply to this group, formatted as a JSON list that define the permissions granted to users within this group.

The structure of these policies matches the Policy type, but serialized as a JSON string.


policy: "[{\"actions\": [\"*\"],\"effect\": \"DENY\",\"resources\":[\"*\"],\"assertions\": {\"always false\": \"1 == 0\"}}]"


Input Fields

name - String! Unique identifier of this index. Typically human readable.
on - IndexOnEnum! The type of record this index applies to.
search - Boolean If this index is a search index, unique, partition and sort are ignored.
unique - Boolean Indicates if this index is unique.
partition - [PartitionKeyInput]! The partition key used for this index.
sort - [IndexKeyInput]! The sort key to use for supporting range queries.

constraints - ExpressionMap

Map of named CEL expressions specifying the conditions for including a record in this index.

Records are only included in the index if all expressions evaluate to true, i.e. they are combined with a logical AND. Each expression must return a boolean value.

For example, a custom index on a metadata.category field might use the constraints { hasCategory: "has(document.metadata.category)" } to ensure that only records whose metadata document has a defined value for the category field are included.


Input Fields

jobType - JobType! The job type to create the schedule for. Currently only one schedule per job-type is supported.
jobName - String! A job name that's unique per job type.
principal - String! The Twisp principal to run the job on a schedule. This should have a matching client policy.
scheduleExpression - String! A schedule expression to run this job on. cron/rate/once supported see for valid syntax.

timezone - String!

The timezone to run this schedule on based on

example: "America/Los_Angeles" or "UTC"

Supports ST rules defined in

metadata - JSON! JSON metadata to pass to running job.


Input Fields

name - String! Unique identifier of this index. Typically human readable.
on - IndexOnEnum! The type of record this index applies to.

constraints - ExpressionMap

Map of named CEL expressions specifying the conditions for including a record in this index.

Records are only included in the index if all expressions evaluate to true, i.e. they are combined with a logical AND. Each expression must return a boolean value.

For example, a custom index on a metadata.category field might use the constraints { hasCategory: "has(document.metadata.category)" } to ensure that only records whose metadata document has a defined value for the category field are included.

opensearchSchema - OpensearchSchemaInput The Opensearch CEL expression schema to apply to the document prior to indexing. Only available on search indexes.


Input Fields

id - UUID! Unique ID for the tenant.

accountId - String!

A globally unique identifier representing an environment within the organization.

This accountId, when combined with an AWS region, is used to calculate the database tenant.

name - String! A human-friendly name for the tenant, used for display purposes and easier identification.
description - String! A brief description of the tenant, providing additional context about its purpose or characteristics.


Input Fields

key - String! Unique identifier of file. e.g. path/to/file.json
uploadType - UploadType! The type of upload: BULK_GRAPHQL_VARIABLES - The content-type is application/json and is an array of json objects for a bulk graphql query execution. ACH - The content-type is text/plain and is a NACHA formatted text file. Default: BULK_GRAPHQL_VARIABLES
contentType - String! contentType of file.


Input Fields

id - UUID! Unique ID for the user.
groupIds - [UUID!]! A list of unique identifiers for the groups to which the user belongs. The user's permissions are determined by the combined policies of these groups.
email - String! The user's email address, which serves as a unique identifier and primary means of contact.


Query conditions for a custom index.

Input Fields

index - String! The name of the custom index to use.
partition - [CustomIndexFilterValue] Query conditions for specifying the index partition to use.
sort - [CustomIndexFilterValue] Query conditions for specifying sort order.


Filter conditionals for querying the partition or sort key of a custom index.

Input Fields

alias - String! Identifier for the key to apply the filter to.
value - FilterValue Conditions to apply at this key.


Input Fields

id - String! The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.


Input Fields

database - String! The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
maxResults - Int! The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.
nextToken - String The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
schema - String The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
table - String The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.


Input Fields

journalId - UUID Journal to detach calculation.
accountId - UUID! Account or set to detach calculation.
calculationId - UUID! Calculation to detach.


Input Fields

begin - JSON JSON object.
end - JSON JSON object.


Input Fields

eq - JSON JSON object.
like - JSON JSON object.
lt - JSON JSON object.
lte - JSON JSON object.
gt - JSON JSON object.
gte - JSON JSON object.
between - DimensionBetween


Input Fields

cumulative - Date Cumulative account balance as of a particular effective date. Example: "2023-10-17"
period - String Account balance of a particular effective time period. Supported periods are in formats: YYYY, YYYY-MM, YYYY-MM-DD. Useful for reconciliation/balances files. Example: "2023-10"
range - PeriodRange Effective account balances over a range of time periods. Useful for income statement. Example: {gte: "2023-10", lte: "2023-12"}


Input Fields

endpointId - FilterValue Filter on the endpointId field. Required when using index EndpointInded.ENDPOINT_ID.
status - FilterValue Filter on the status field. Only available when using index EndpointIndex.STATUS.


Input Fields

name - EndpointIndex!
sort - SortOrder ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).


Fields to create a new endpoint.

Input Fields

endpointId - UUID! Unique identifier for the endpoint.
status - EndpointStatus Current status of the endpoint. Default: ENABLED
endpointType - EndpointType The type of endpoint this endpoint is. Default: WEBHOOK
url - String! The url where this endpoint will transmit subscribed events to.

subscription - [String!]!

A list of subscriptions that are available, supporting wildcards *.

Format: <entity>.<created|updated|deleted> Supported entities:

  • journal
  • account
  • accountcontext
  • accountset
  • accountsetmember
  • trancode
  • transaction
  • entry
  • balance
  • customindex
  • custombalance
  • endpoint
description - String! description of this endpoint.

filters - ExpressionMap

Map of named CEL expressions specifying conditions for sending an event to the endpoint.

Record is only sent if all expressions evaluate to true, i.e. they are combined with a logical AND. Each expression must return a boolean value.


Fields to update an existing endpoint.

Input Fields

status - EndpointStatus Current status of the endpoint.
endpointType - EndpointType The type of endpoint this endpoint is.
url - String The url where this endpoint will transmit subscribed events to.

subscription - [String]

A list of subscriptions that are available, supporting wildcards *.

Format: <entity>.<created|updated|deleted> Supported entities:

  • journal
  • account
  • accountcontext
  • accountset
  • accountsetmember
  • trancode
  • transaction
  • entry
  • balance
  • customindex
  • custombalance
  • endpoint
description - String description of this endpoint.

filters - ExpressionMap

Map of named CEL expressions specifying conditions for sending an event to the endpoint.

Record is only sent if all expressions evaluate to true, i.e. they are combined with a logical AND. Each expression must return a boolean value.


Filter conditions to apply to an entry query. Filters are only applied if the field is used by the specified index.

Input Fields

entryId - FilterValue Filter on the entryId field. Required when using index EntryIndex.ENTRY_ID.

journalId - FilterValue

Conditional logic by which to apply a filter on a query.

Each FilterValue object must contain just one key/value pair.

Valid: { eq: "123" }
Invalid: { eq: "123", gt: "100" }

currency - FilterValue

Conditional logic by which to apply a filter on a query.

Each FilterValue object must contain just one key/value pair.

Valid: { eq: "123" }
Invalid: { eq: "123", gt: "100" }

layer - FilterValue

Conditional logic by which to apply a filter on a query.

Each FilterValue object must contain just one key/value pair.

Valid: { eq: "123" }
Invalid: { eq: "123", gt: "100" }

transactionId - FilterValue Filter on the transactionId field. Required when using index EntryIndex.TRANSACTION_ID.
custom - CustomIndexFilter Filter conditions for a custom index. Only available when using index EntryIndex.CUSTOM.
search - SearchFilter Filter conditions for a search. Only available when using index EntryIndex.SEARCH.


Specify the pre-defined EntryIndex and sort order to use in a query.

Input Fields

name - EntryIndex! Indexes for querying Entries. To optimize query performance and apply desired filters, choose the appropriate index.
sort - SortOrder ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).


Entry fields to update.

Input Fields

description - String Description of the entry.
metadata - JSON Metadata attached to this entry.


Input Fields

sql - String! The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.


Input Fields

sql - String! The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.


Conditional logic by which to apply a filter on a query.

Each FilterValue object must contain just one key/value pair.

Valid: { eq: "123" }
Invalid: { eq: "123", gt: "100" }

Input Fields

eq - String The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
like - String The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
lt - String The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
lte - String The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
gt - String The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
gte - String The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
all - Boolean The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.
between - Between


Input Fields

id - String! The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
nextToken - String The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.


Specify a named expression to sort the records within a custom index.

Used for sorting and for querying by range conditions.

Input Fields

alias - String! Identifier for this key. Should be a short, human-readable name.

value - Expression!

CEL expression which resolves to the value that is to be sorted.

Within the expression, the document object represents the record. To sort by a field on the record, use document.<field_name>.

sort - SortOrder! Whether the sort is in ascending or descending order.


Fields to create a system configuration for a journal.

Input Fields

enableEffectiveBalances - Boolean When true, records point-in-time effective balances for all accounts in the journal. Defaults to false.


Filter conditions to apply to a journal query. Filters are only applied if the field is used by the specified index.

Input Fields

journalId - FilterValue Filter on the journalId field. Required when using index JournalIndex.JOURNAL_ID.
name - FilterValue Filter on the name field. Only available when using index JournalIndex.NAME.
status - FilterValue Filter on the status field. Only available when using index JournalIndex.STATUS.
code - FilterValue Filter on the code field. Only available when using index JournalIndex.CODE.


Specify the pre-defined JournalIndex and sort order to use in a query.

Input Fields

name - JournalIndex! Indexes for querying Journals. To optimize query performance and apply desired filters, choose the appropriate index.
sort - SortOrder ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).


Fields to create a new Journal.

Input Fields

journalId - UUID! Unique identifier for the journal.
name - String! Name for the journal.
description - String Description of the journal.
status - Status! Operational status of the journal. Default: ACTIVE
code - String Optional unique code for the journal.
config - JournalConfigInput System config for the journal.


Journal fields to update.

Input Fields

name - String Name for the journal.
description - String Description of the journal.
status - Status Operational status of the journal.
code - String The code used to refer to this journal.


Input Fields

timestampSource - Expression Uses a timestamp from the specified source for picking the balance limit. By default uses the system transaction.timestamp. Must resolve to a CEL timestamp. @example("timestamp(context.vars.transaction.?metadata.ts.orValue(context.transaction.timestamp))")
balance - [BalanceLimitInput!]!


Input Fields

maxResults - Int! The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.
nextToken - String The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.


Input Fields

maxResults - Int! The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.
nextToken - String The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
schemaPattern - String The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
database - String! The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.


Input Fields

maxResults - Int! The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.
nextToken - String The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
statementName - String The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
status - SqlStatementStatus!


Input Fields

maxResults - Int! The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.
database - String! The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
nextToken - String The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
schemaPattern - String The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
tablePattern - String The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.


Input Fields

accountId - UUID! Unique identifier for the account this transaction will post to.
webhook - JSON! The Transaction webhook object from Lithic.
journalId - UUID Unique identifier for the journal this transaction applies to. If not provided, defaults to the default journal that card transaction codes are configured with.
settlementAccountId - UUID Unique identifier of the settlement account that transactions will settle from. If not provided, defaults to the default card settlement account.


Formatting options for money amounts.

Input Fields

locale - String! Locale represents a Unicode locale identifier. Examples: 'de-DE', 'hi-IN'
groupDigits - Boolean! When true, whole digits will be grouped according to locale. For example, with locale en-US the number 1234567.89 is formatted with grouped digits as 1,234,567.89. With other locales, these groupings may apply differently. Default: false
addPlusSign - Boolean! When true, prefix the number with plus + symbol when the number is positive. Negative numbers are always displayed with a minus - symbol. Default: false
roundingMode - RoundingMode! Defines the rounding behavior when the fractional units exceed the maxDigits. Default: HALF_UP
currencyDisplay - CurrencyDisplay! Defines how to render the currency indicator. Default: SYMBOL
minDigits - Int! Minimum number of fractional digits. When not specified, it will use the default fractional digits for the currency. For example, USD amounts default to 2 minimum digits. Default: 255
maxDigits - Int! Maximum number of fractional digits to show, which informs how rounding behavior is applied via the roundingMode. Defaults to 6. Default: 6


Input Fields

units - Decimal! Decimal is a fixed-precision data type supporting exact representation of numeric values.
currency - CurrencyCode! ISO 4217 standard three-character code indicating the currency.


Input Fields

type - OpensearchSchemaBinaryMappingType!
celExpression - Expression! The CEL expression to index for the document. Example: "document.is_void"


Input Fields

type - OpensearchSchemaBooleanMappingType!
celExpression - Expression! A literal CEL expression to be evaluated.


Input Fields

type - OpensearchSchemaDateMappingType!
celExpression - Expression! The CEL expression to index for the document. Example: "document.effective"


Input Fields


Use one of binaryType, numericType, booleanType,dateType, objectType or stringType.

Input Fields


Input Fields

key - String! The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
value - OpensearchSchemaMappingInput! Use one of binaryType, numericType, booleanType,dateType, objectType or stringType.


Input Fields


Input Fields

key - String! The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
value - OpensearchSchemaMultiFieldInput!


Input Fields

type - OpensearchSchemaNumericMappingType!
celExpression - Expression! The CEL expression to index for the document. @example("document.amount.units()")


Input Fields


Input Fields

type - OpensearchSchemaStringMappingType!
celExpression - Expression! The CEL expression to index for the document. Example: "document.description"
fields - [OpensearchSchemaMultiFieldsInput] Provide multi-field mappings for this field.


Input Fields


Define a parameter that can be used when posting transactions using this tran code.

Input Fields

name - String! Name for the parameter. This is how values passed are accessed. For example, a parameter with name fromAccount can be accessed in the accountId field of an TranCodeEntryInput with params.fromAccount.
type - ParamDataType! Data type for the parameter. Default: STRING
default - Expression Default value for the parameter. If not provided, the parameter is consider a 'required' parameter, and a value must be provided when posting a transaction.
description - String Describe the purpose of this parameter. Help an engineer out.


Specify a named expression to define a partition key.

Input Fields

alias - String! Identifier for this partition key. Should be a short, human-readable name.

value - Expression!

CEL expression which resolves to the value that is to be used for the partition key.

Within the expression, the document object represents the record. To access a field on the document, use document.<field_name>.


Input Fields

lte - String The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
gte - String The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.


Input Fields

effect - PolicyEffect! Whether this Policy is an ALLOW or DENY.
actions - [PolicyAction]! The set of actions to allow or deny.

resources - [String]!

The resources to allow or deny. In the format <namespace>.<resource>

The following namespaces exist:

  • financial
  • tenancy
  • public
  • system

As do the following resources in the financial namespace:

  • Account
  • AccountSet
  • AccountSetMember
  • Transaction
  • Entry
  • Balance
  • TranCode
  • Journal

You can use * to wildcard as well.

assertions - ExpressionMap A map of expressions to evaluate this policy with.


Input Fields

from_region - String! The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
to_region - String! The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
tenant - CreateTenantInput!
include_external_indexes - Boolean! The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.


SearchFilter supports Opensearch Query DSL under the "query" key

See for more information on how to construct these queries.

Input Fields

index - String! The name of the search index to use.
query - JSON! The Opensearch DSL query to use.
sort - [JSON] The open search DSL sort to use.


Defines the values for the entries written when transactions are posted with this tran code.

Input Fields

accountId - Expression! Account ID for an entry written when this tran code is invoked. Expression must resolve to a UUID type.
units - Expression! Units of currency for an entry written when this tran code is invoked. Expression must resolve to a Decimal type.
currency - Expression! Currency used for an entry written when this tran code is invoked. Expression must resolve to a CurrencyCode type.
direction - Expression! Direction for an entry written when this tran code is invoked. Expression must resolve to a DebitOrCredit enum type.
entryType - Expression Entry type for an entry written when this tran code is invoked. If omitted, defaults to tranCode.code with _CR or _DR appended depending on entry direction. Expression must resolve to a String type.
layer - Expression Layer for an entry written when this tran code is invoked. If omitted, defaults to SETTLED layer. Expression must resolve to a Layer enum type.
description - Expression Description for an entry written when this tran code is invoked." Expression must resolve to a String type.
metadata - Expression Metadata for the entry posted with this tran code. Expression must resolve to a JSON type. Example: "{ 'x': 1, 'y': { 'z': 2 }}"
condition - Expression A boolean expression that indicates if this entry should be written. Example: "params.amount > 0"


Filter conditions to apply to a tran code query. Filters are only applied if the field is used by the specified index.

Input Fields

tranCodeId - FilterValue Filter on the tranCodeId field. Required when using index TranCodeIndex.TRAN_CODE_ID.
code - FilterValue Filter on the code field. Only available when using index TranCodeIndex.CODE.
status - FilterValue Filter on the status field. Only available when using index TranCodeIndex.STATUS.
custom - CustomIndexFilter Filter conditions for a custom index. Only available when using index TranCodeIndex.CUSTOM.
search - SearchFilter Filter conditions for a search. Only available when using index TranCodeIndex.SEARCH.


Specify the pre-defined TranCodeIndex and sort order to use in a query.

Input Fields

name - TranCodeIndex! Indexes for querying TranCodes. To optimize query performance and apply desired filters, choose the appropriate index.
sort - SortOrder ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).


Fields to create a new TranCode.

Input Fields

tranCodeId - UUID! Internal UUID for the transaction code record.
code - String! The tran code represented as a unique string identifier. Example: 'ACH_CREDIT'
description - String Explanation of what this tran code represents and how it should be used. This provides documentation for the tran code.
params - [ParamDefinitionInput] Define the parameters that can be used when posting transactions using this tran code.
transaction - TranCodeTransactionInput! Define the values for the transaction posted when this tran code is invoked.
entries - [TranCodeEntryInput!]! Define the values of entries written when transactions are posted with this tran code.
metadata - JSON Metadata attached to this tran code.


Define the values for the transaction posted when this tran code is invoked.

Input Fields

effective - Expression Effective date for the transaction posted with this tran code. If ommitted, defaults to date.Today(). Expression must be a valid ISO 8601 formatted date. @example("date('2022-12-23')")
journalId - Expression Journal ID for the transaction posted with this tran code. If omitted, the default journal will be used. Expression must resolve to a UUID type. @example("uuid('b28f5684-0834-4292-8016-d2f2fb0367a9')")
correlationId - Expression Correlation ID for the transaction posted with this tran code. Expression must resolve to a String type. Example: "'5a028997'"
externalId - Expression External ID for the transaction posted with this tran code. Expression must resolve to a String type. Example: "'45415819'"
description - Expression Description for the transaction posted with this tran code. Expression must resolve to a String type. @example("'TX for ' + string(params.amount)")
metadata - Expression Metadata for the transaction posted with this tran code. Expression must resolve to a JSON type. Example: "{ 'x': 1, 'y': { 'z': 2 }}"


TranCode fields to update.

Input Fields

description - String Explanation of what this tran code represents and how it should be used. This provides documentation for the tran code.
params - [ParamDefinitionInput] Define the parameters that can be used when posting transactions using this tran code. Replaces existing parameters definition.
transaction - TranCodeTransactionInput Define values for transaction posted when this tran code is invoked. Replaces existing transaction definition.
entries - [TranCodeEntryInput] Define the values of entries written when transactions are posted with this tran code. Replaces existing entry definition.
status - Status Operational status of the tran code.
metadata - JSON Metadata attached to this tran code.


Filter conditions to apply to a transaction query. Filters are only applied if the field is used by the specified index.

Input Fields

journalId - FilterValue Specify the Journal to use with eq. If omitted, the default journal will be used.
transactionId - FilterValue Filter on the transactionId field. Required when using index TransactionIndex.TRANSACTION_ID.
correlationId - FilterValue Filter on the correlationId field. Required when using index TransactionIndex.CORRELATION_ID.
externalId - FilterValue Filter on the externalId field. Required when using index TransactionIndex.EXTERNAL_ID.
custom - CustomIndexFilter Filter conditions for a custom index. Only available when using index TransactionIndex.CUSTOM.
search - SearchFilter Filter conditions for a search. Only available when using index TransactionIndex.SEARCH.
transactionIds - [UUID] Retrieve up to 100 transactions by id.


Specify the pre-defined TransactionIndex and sort order to use in a query.

Input Fields

name - TransactionIndex! Indexes for querying Transactions. To optimize query performance and apply desired filters, choose the appropriate index.
sort - SortOrder ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).


Fields to post a new Transaction.

Input Fields

transactionId - UUID! The ID is required to ensure an idempotent transaction.
tranCode - String! String corresponding to the code of a TranCode to be used for this transaction.
tranCodeVersion - Int Version of the tran code to use in this transaction. If not supplied, the latest version will be used.
params - JSON Params object specifying values for the params defined in the corresponding TranCode.


Transaction fields to update.

Input Fields

externalId - String Allows specifying a unique external ID associated with this transaction.
description - String Description of the transaction.
metadata - JSON Arbitrary structured data about this transaction.


Input Fields

policies - [PolicyInput]! Replaces the existing policies with this new set of policies.


Input Fields

name - String! A human-friendly name for the group, such as 'Admins' or 'DataAnalysts'.
description - String A brief description of the group's purpose, intended to provide additional context.

policy - String

A set of policies to apply to this group, formatted as a JSON list that define the permissions granted to users within this group.

Valid actions include db:Insert, db:Update, db:Delete, db:Select or wildcard *


policy: "[{\"actions\": [\"*\"],\"effect\": \"DENY\",\"resources\":[\"*\"],\"assertions\": {\"always false\": \"1 == 0\"}}]"


Input Fields

timestampSource - Expression Uses timestamp from the specified source for picking the balance limit. By default uses the transaction timestamp. Must resolve to a CEL timestamp. @example("timestamp(context.vars.transaction.?metadata.ts.orValue(context.transaction.timestamp))")
balance - [BalanceLimitInput]


Input Fields

accountId - String!

A globally unique identifier representing an environment within the organization.

This accountId, when combined with an AWS region, is used to calculate the database tenant.

name - String A human-friendly name for the tenant, used for display purposes and easier identification.
description - String A brief description of the tenant, providing additional context about its purpose or characteristics.


Input Fields

groupIds - [UUID] A list of unique identifiers for the groups to which the user belongs. The user's permissions are determined by the combined policies of these groups.
email - String! The user's email address, which serves as a unique identifier and primary means of contact.


Input Fields

name - String If set, updates name of velocity control.
description - String If set, updates description of velocity control.
enforcement - VelocityEnforcementInput If set, updates the enforcement type of the velocity control.
condition - Expression If set, updates the condition for the velocity control.


Input Fields

name - String If set, updates name of velocity limit.
description - String If set, updates description of velocity limit.
limit - UpdateLimitInput If set, updates the limit of the velocity limit.
currency - CurrencyCode If set, sets the currency of the velocity limit. Cannot unset.
condition - Expression If Set, sets the condition of the velocity limit.


Input Fields

velocityControlId - FilterValue Filter on the velocityControlId field. Required when using index VelocityControlIndex.VELOCITY_CONTROL_ID.
velocityLimitId - FilterValue Filter on the velocityLimitId field. Required when using index VelocityControlIndex.VELOCITY_RULE_ID.
name - FilterValue Filter on the name field. Required when using index VelocityControlIndex.NAME.
accountId - FilterValue Filter on attached accounts via accountId. Required when using index VelocityControlIndex.ACCOUNT_ID.


Input Fields

name - VelocityControlIndex!
sort - SortOrder ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).


Input Fields

velocityControlId - UUID! Unique identifier for this velocity control.
name - String! Human readable name for this velocity control.
description - String! Human readable description for this velocity control.
enforcement - VelocityEnforcementInput! The type of enforcement this velocity control generates.
condition - Expression A boolean expression indicating if this control should trigger enforcement. The account, transaction and entry are available for use on context.vars. @example("context.vars.transaction.?metadata.skipVelocityControl.orElse(false))")
velocityLimitIds - [UUID] Add these velocity limits to the control.


Input Fields


Input Fields

velocityLimitId - FilterValue Filter on the velocityLimitId field. Required when using index VelocityLimitIndex.VELOCITY_RULE_ID.
name - FilterValue Filter on the name field. Required when using index VelocityLimitIndex.NAME.


Input Fields

name - VelocityLimitIndex!
sort - SortOrder ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).


Input Fields

velocityLimitId - UUID! 128-bit universally unique identifier (UUID). Used for most ID fields on records.
name - String! Human readable name of this rule.
description - String! " Human readable description of this rule.

window - [PartitionKeyInput]!

Group by these values to index the calculation.

The account, transaction, tranCode and entry are available for use in the window computation on context.vars.

condition - Expression A boolean expression indicating if an balance entry should be written. The account, transaction and entry are available for use in the window computation on context.vars. @example("has(context.vars.account.metadata.policyPayment)")
limit - LimitInput! The limit to enforce. Can supply different limits based
currency - CurrencyCode! Currency this limit applies to. If set to empty string, applies limit to all currencies.
params - [ParamDefinitionInput] The parameters for VelocityLimit.limit.
velocityControlIds - [UUID] Add the limit to the velocity controls in this list.


Input Fields

accountId - UUID! The account or set id to search for velocity.
velocityControlId - UUID! Limit the search to this velocity control Id.
velocityLimitId - UUID Limit the search to this velocity limit.
window - JSON! The window to search. If velocityLimitId not present, will return any limit that supports the entire window.
currency - CurrencyCode! Return the velocity limit for this currency. Default: "USD"


Fields to execute a new workflow.

Input Fields

workflowId - UUID 128-bit universally unique identifier (UUID). Used for most ID fields on records.
executionId - UUID! 128-bit universally unique identifier (UUID). Used for most ID fields on records.
code - String The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
task - String! The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
params - JSON JSON object.