Input Types
Input types are used as arguments for mutations and queries to provide input data to an operation.
Fields to create a system configuration for an account.
Input Fields
enableConcurrentPosting - Boolean | When true , allow concurrent posting to the account. See BalanceType for balance retrieval options available for concurrent-enabled accounts. Defaults to false . |
| When If account already created, the existing account is unchanged. |
Filter conditions to apply to an account query. Filters are only applied if the field is used by the specified index.
Input Fields
accountId - FilterValue | Filter on the accountId field. Required when using index AccountIndex.ACCOUNT_ID . |
externalId - FilterValue | Filter on the externalId field. Required when using index AccountIndex.EXTERNAL_ID . |
name - FilterValue | Filter on the name field. Only available when using index AccountIndex.NAME . |
code - FilterValue | Filter on the code field. Only available when using index AccountIndex.CODE . |
status - FilterValue | Filter on the status field. Only available when using index AccountIndex.STATUS . |
custom - CustomIndexFilter | Filter conditions for a custom index. Only available when using index AccountIndex.CUSTOM . |
search - SearchFilter | Filter conditions for a search. Only available when using index AccountIndex.SEARCH . |
codeUnique - FilterValue | Filter on the code field. Required when using index AccountIndex.CODE_UNIQUE . |
Specify the pre-defined AccountIndex and sort order to use in a query.
Input Fields
name - AccountIndex! | Indexes for querying Accounts. To optimize query performance and apply desired filters, choose the appropriate index. |
sort - SortOrder | ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending). |
Fields to create a new account.
Input Fields
accountId - UUID! | Unique identifier for the account. |
externalId - String | Allows specifying a unique external ID associated with this account. |
code - String! | Shorthand code for the account. |
name - String! | Account name. |
normalBalanceType - DebitOrCredit! | Determines whether account should use a debit- or credit-normal balance. Default: CREDIT |
accountSetIds - [UUID] | IDs of AccountSets to add this account to. |
description - String | Description of the account. |
status - Status! | Current status for the account. Default: ACTIVE |
metadata - JSON | Metadata attached to this account. |
config - AccountConfigInput | System config for the account. |
Fields to create a system configuration for an account set.
Input Fields
enableConcurrentPosting - Boolean | When true , allow concurrent posting to the account. See BalanceType for balance retrieval options available for concurrent-enabled accounts. Defaults to false . |
| When If account set already created, the existing account set is unchanged. |
Filter conditions to apply to an account set query. Filters are only applied if the field is used by the specified index.
Input Fields
accountSetId - FilterValue | Filter on the accountSetId field. Required when using index AccountSetIndex.ACCOUNT_SET_ID . |
journalId - FilterValue | Specify the Journal to use with eq . Required for all indexes. |
name - FilterValue | Filter on the name field. Only available when using index AccountSetIndex.NAME . |
custom - CustomIndexFilter | Filter conditions for a custom index. Only available when using index AccountSetIndex.CUSTOM . |
search - SearchFilter | Filter conditions for a search. Only available when using index AccountSetIndex.SEARCH . |
Specify the pre-defined AccountSetIndex and sort order to use in a query.
Input Fields
name - AccountSetIndex! | Indexes for querying AccountSets. To optimize query performance and apply desired filters, choose the appropriate index. |
sort - SortOrder | ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending). |
Fields to create a new account set.
Input Fields
accountSetId - UUID! | Unique identifier for the set. |
journalId - UUID | The journal for the set. If omitted, the default journal will be used. |
name - String! | Name for the set. |
description - String | Description of the account set. |
normalBalanceType - DebitOrCredit! | Determines whether the account set should use a debit- or credit-normal balance. Default: CREDIT |
metadata - JSON | Metadata attached to this account set. |
config - AccountSetConfigInput | System config for the account set. |
accountSetIds - [UUID] | IDs of AccountSets to add this account set to. |
Input Fields
memberType - AccountSetMemberType | Whether the member to add is an Account or AccountSet |
memberId - UUID! | Identifier for the member to add. When adding accounts, this is the accountId . When adding account sets, this is the accountSetId . |
Filter conditions to apply when querying members of an account set.
Input Fields
accountSetId - FilterValue | Filter on the accountSetId field. |
memberId - FilterValue | Filter on the memberId field: the UUID of a member Account or AccountSet . |
AccountSet fields to update.
Input Fields
name - String | Name for the set. |
description - String | Description of the account set. |
normalBalanceType - DebitOrCredit | Determines whether the account set should use a debit- or credit-normal balance. |
metadata - JSON | Metadata attached to this account set. |
config - AccountSetConfigInput | System config for the account set. |
Account fields to update.
Input Fields
externalId - String | Allows specifying a unique external ID associated with this account. |
code - String | Shorthand code for the account. |
name - String | Account name. |
normalBalanceType - DebitOrCredit | Determines whether account should use a debit- or credit-normal balance. |
description - String | Description of the account. |
status - Status | Current status for the account. |
metadata - JSON | Metadata attached to this account. |
config - AccountConfigInput | System config for the account. |
Input Fields
configId - UUID! | Unique identifier for this configuration. |
endpointId - UUID! | Endpoint to use for decisioning this ACH file. |
journalId - UUID! | Journal to post settlements into. |
settlementAccountId - UUID! | ACH Settlement Account. |
exceptionAccountId - UUID! | Account to post to when an exception occurs, such as a Velocity Control or Account in a locked state. Funds in this account will be returned. |
suspenseAccountId - UUID! | Account to post to when an account is not found. Funds in this account will be returned. |
feeAccountId - UUID! | ACH Fee Account. |
odfiHeaderConfiguration - AchOdfiHeaderConfigurationInput! | ACH Processor information for files. |
timeZone - String! | IANA Timezone identifier for the configuration. Example: "America/Chicago" |
Input Fields
configId - UUID! | The configuration to use for generating return file. |
fileKey - String! | The key to store this file. |
fileType - AchFileType! | The type of file to generate. |
Input Fields
immediateDestination - String! | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
immediateDestinationName - String! | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
immediateOrigin - String! | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
immediateOriginName - String! | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
Input Fields
configId - UUID! | Configuration to use to process this file. |
fileKey - String! | The file key to use for this file. |
fileType - AchFileType! | The type of file being processed. |
Input Fields
endpointId - UUID | Endpoint to use for decisioning this ACH file. |
journalId - UUID | Journal to post settlements into. |
settlementAccountId - UUID | ACH Settlement Account. |
exceptionAccountId - UUID | Account to post to when an exception occurs, such as a Velocity Control or Account in a locked state. Funds in this account will be returned. |
suspenseAccountId - UUID | Account to post to when an account is not found. Funds in this account will be returned. |
feeAccountId - UUID | ACH Fee Account. |
odfiHeaderConfiguration - AchOdfiHeaderConfigurationInput | ACH Processor information for files. Note: replaces existing odfiHeaderConfiguration |
timeZone - String | IANA Timezone identifier for the configuration. Example: "America/Chicago" |
Input Fields
journalId - UUID | Journal to attach calculation to. This parameter is ignored when attaching to an account set. Defaults to the default journal if not provided when attaching to an account. |
accountId - UUID! | Account or Account Set to attach calculation to. |
calculationId - UUID! | Calculation to attach. |
Filter conditions to apply to a balance query. Filters are only applied if the field is used by the specified index.
Input Fields
journalId - FilterValue | Specify the Journal to use with eq . If omitted, the default journal will be used. |
accountId - FilterValue | Filter on the accountId field. Required when using index BalanceIndex.ACCOUNT_ID . |
currency - FilterValue | Filter on the currency field. |
calculationId - FilterValue | Filter on calculationId field when using BalanceIndex.DIMENSION |
dimension - DimensionFilterValue | Filter on dimension field when using BalanceIndex.Dimension |
custom - CustomIndexFilter | Filter conditions for a custom index. Only available when using index BalanceIndex.CUSTOM . |
search - SearchFilter | Filter conditions for a search. Only available when using index BalanceIndex.SEARCH . |
Filter conditions to apply to a balance history query.
Input Fields
modified - FilterValue | Filter on the modified timestamp. |
committed - FilterValue | Filter on the transaction commit timestamp for the specific balance record version. |
Specify the pre-defined BalanceIndex and sort order to use in a query.
Input Fields
name - BalanceIndex! | Indexes for querying Balances. To optimize query performance and apply desired filters, choose the appropriate index. |
sort - SortOrder | ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending). |
Input Fields
layer - Expression! | The layer this balance limit is enforced at. Must resolve to SETTLED , PENDING or ENCUMBRANCE . |
amount - Expression! | The maximum amount at this layer that can be spent. Must resolve to a decimal. |
normalBalanceType - Expression! | The direction this balance enforces on as an upper limit. Must resolve to CREDIT or DEBIT . |
start - Expression | The timestamp at which this balance limit begins to be effective. If provided, must resolve to a timestamp . Defaults to the creation stamp of the underlying control. @example("timestamp('2022-01-01T14:00:00.000Z')") |
end - Expression | The timestamp at which this balance limit ceases to be effective. If provided, must resolve to a timestamp . Defaults to infinite timestamp. @example("timestamp('2022-01-01T15:00:00.000Z')") |
Input Fields
sqls - [String] | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
Input Fields
begin - String | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
end - String | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
Input Fields
name - String | Human readable name of this bulk execution. Default: "Bulk Query" |
key - String! | Key to file to execute. |
executionId - UUID! | Unique Identifier for this execution of a bulk query. |
query - String! | Parameterized GraphQL query string to execute. |
| Optional jq transform to run on variables in file identified by @example("map(.accountId)") |
Input Fields
| Conditional logic by which to apply a filter on a query. Each FilterValue object must contain just one key/value pair. Valid: |
| Conditional logic by which to apply a filter on a query. Each FilterValue object must contain just one key/value pair. Valid: |
| Conditional logic by which to apply a filter on a query. Each FilterValue object must contain just one key/value pair. Valid: |
Input Fields
name - CalculationIndex! | |
sort - SortOrder | ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending). |
Input Fields
id - String! | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
Input Fields
journalId - UUID | The unique identifier for the journal that card transactions will post to by default. If omitted, the default journal will be used. |
settlementAccountId - UUID | A unique identifier to an existing settlement account that card transactions will post to by default. If not provided, a default card transaction account will be used as the settlement account. |
Input Fields
calculationId - UUID! | Unique identifier for this calculation. |
code - String! | Unique shorthand code for this balance calculation. |
description - String! | Human readable description of this calculation. |
scope - CalculationScope! | The calculation scope of this calculation. Defaults to GLOBAL . Default: GLOBAL |
| Group by these values to index the calculation. The |
condition - Expression | A boolean expression indicating if an balance entry should be written. The account , transaction , tranCode and entry are available for use in the dimension computation on context.vars . @example("has(context.vars.account.metadata.policyPayment)") |
Input Fields
principal - String! | Principal that this client applies to. If you're supplying your own OIDC this will be the iss claim on your JWT. If using Twisp IAM/OIDC token exchange, this will be the IAM principal you signed with, typically a role ARN. |
name - String! | Unique name of the client. |
policies - [PolicyInput]! | The policies to evaluate. |
Input Fields
id - UUID! | Unique ID for the group. |
name - String! | A human-friendly name for the group, such as 'Admins' or 'DataAnalysts'. |
description - String! | A brief description of the group's purpose, intended to provide additional context. |
| A set of policies to apply to this group, formatted as a JSON list that define the permissions granted to users within this group. The structure of these policies matches the Policy type, but serialized as a JSON string. Example:
Input Fields
name - String! | Unique identifier of this index. Typically human readable. |
on - IndexOnEnum! | The type of record this index applies to. |
search - Boolean | If this index is a search index, unique , partition and sort are ignored. |
unique - Boolean | Indicates if this index is unique. |
partition - [PartitionKeyInput]! | The partition key used for this index. |
sort - [IndexKeyInput]! | The sort key to use for supporting range queries. |
| Map of named CEL expressions specifying the conditions for including a record in this index. Records are only included in the index if all expressions evaluate to For example, a custom index on a |
Input Fields
jobType - JobType! | The job type to create the schedule for. Currently only one schedule per job-type is supported. |
jobName - String! | A job name that's unique per job type. |
principal - String! | The Twisp principal to run the job on a schedule. This should have a matching client policy. |
scheduleExpression - String! | A schedule expression to run this job on. cron/rate/once supported see for valid syntax. |
| The timezone to run this schedule on based on example: "America/Los_Angeles" or "UTC" Supports ST rules defined in |
metadata - JSON! | JSON metadata to pass to running job. |
Input Fields
name - String! | Unique identifier of this index. Typically human readable. |
on - IndexOnEnum! | The type of record this index applies to. |
| Map of named CEL expressions specifying the conditions for including a record in this index. Records are only included in the index if all expressions evaluate to For example, a custom index on a |
opensearchSchema - OpensearchSchemaInput | The Opensearch CEL expression schema to apply to the document prior to indexing. Only available on search indexes. |
Input Fields
id - UUID! | Unique ID for the tenant. |
| A globally unique identifier representing an environment within the organization. This accountId, when combined with an AWS region, is used to calculate the database tenant. |
name - String! | A human-friendly name for the tenant, used for display purposes and easier identification. |
description - String! | A brief description of the tenant, providing additional context about its purpose or characteristics. |
Input Fields
key - String! | Unique identifier of file. e.g. path/to/file.json |
uploadType - UploadType! | The type of upload: BULK_GRAPHQL_VARIABLES - The content-type is application/json and is an array of json objects for a bulk graphql query execution. ACH - The content-type is text/plain and is a NACHA formatted text file. Default: BULK_GRAPHQL_VARIABLES |
contentType - String! | contentType of file. |
Input Fields
id - UUID! | Unique ID for the user. |
groupIds - [UUID!]! | A list of unique identifiers for the groups to which the user belongs. The user's permissions are determined by the combined policies of these groups. |
email - String! | The user's email address, which serves as a unique identifier and primary means of contact. |
Query conditions for a custom index.
Input Fields
index - String! | The name of the custom index to use. |
partition - [CustomIndexFilterValue] | Query conditions for specifying the index partition to use. |
sort - [CustomIndexFilterValue] | Query conditions for specifying sort order. |
Filter conditionals for querying the partition or sort key of a custom index.
Input Fields
alias - String! | Identifier for the key to apply the filter to. |
value - FilterValue | Conditions to apply at this key. |
Input Fields
id - String! | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
Input Fields
database - String! | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
maxResults - Int! | The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1. |
nextToken - String | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
schema - String | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
table - String | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
Input Fields
journalId - UUID | Journal to detach calculation. |
accountId - UUID! | Account or set to detach calculation. |
calculationId - UUID! | Calculation to detach. |
Input Fields
Input Fields
eq - JSON | JSON object. |
like - JSON | JSON object. |
lt - JSON | JSON object. |
lte - JSON | JSON object. |
gt - JSON | JSON object. |
gte - JSON | JSON object. |
between - DimensionBetween |
Input Fields
cumulative - Date | Cumulative account balance as of a particular effective date. Example: "2023-10-17" |
period - String | Account balance of a particular effective time period. Supported periods are in formats: YYYY , YYYY-MM , YYYY-MM-DD . Useful for reconciliation/balances files. Example: "2023-10" |
range - PeriodRange | Effective account balances over a range of time periods. Useful for income statement. Example: {gte: "2023-10", lte: "2023-12"} |
Input Fields
endpointId - FilterValue | Filter on the endpointId field. Required when using index EndpointInded.ENDPOINT_ID . |
status - FilterValue | Filter on the status field. Only available when using index EndpointIndex.STATUS . |
Input Fields
name - EndpointIndex! | |
sort - SortOrder | ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending). |
Fields to create a new endpoint.
Input Fields
endpointId - UUID! | Unique identifier for the endpoint. |
status - EndpointStatus | Current status of the endpoint. Default: ENABLED |
endpointType - EndpointType | The type of endpoint this endpoint is. Default: WEBHOOK |
url - String! | The url where this endpoint will transmit subscribed events to. |
| A list of subscriptions that are available, supporting wildcards Format:
description - String! | description of this endpoint. |
| Map of named CEL expressions specifying conditions for sending an event to the endpoint. Record is only sent if all expressions evaluate to true, i.e. they are combined with a logical AND. Each expression must return a boolean value. |
Fields to update an existing endpoint.
Input Fields
status - EndpointStatus | Current status of the endpoint. |
endpointType - EndpointType | The type of endpoint this endpoint is. |
url - String | The url where this endpoint will transmit subscribed events to. |
| A list of subscriptions that are available, supporting wildcards Format:
description - String | description of this endpoint. |
| Map of named CEL expressions specifying conditions for sending an event to the endpoint. Record is only sent if all expressions evaluate to true, i.e. they are combined with a logical AND. Each expression must return a boolean value. |
Filter conditions to apply to an entry query. Filters are only applied if the field is used by the specified index.
Input Fields
entryId - FilterValue | Filter on the entryId field. Required when using index EntryIndex.ENTRY_ID . |
| Conditional logic by which to apply a filter on a query. Each FilterValue object must contain just one key/value pair. Valid: |
| Conditional logic by which to apply a filter on a query. Each FilterValue object must contain just one key/value pair. Valid: |
| Conditional logic by which to apply a filter on a query. Each FilterValue object must contain just one key/value pair. Valid: |
transactionId - FilterValue | Filter on the transactionId field. Required when using index EntryIndex.TRANSACTION_ID . |
custom - CustomIndexFilter | Filter conditions for a custom index. Only available when using index EntryIndex.CUSTOM . |
search - SearchFilter | Filter conditions for a search. Only available when using index EntryIndex.SEARCH . |
Specify the pre-defined EntryIndex and sort order to use in a query.
Input Fields
name - EntryIndex! | Indexes for querying Entries. To optimize query performance and apply desired filters, choose the appropriate index. |
sort - SortOrder | ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending). |
Entry fields to update.
Input Fields
Input Fields
sql - String! | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
Input Fields
sql - String! | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
Conditional logic by which to apply a filter on a query.
Each FilterValue object must contain just one key/value pair.
Valid: { eq: "123" }
Invalid: { eq: "123", gt: "100" }
Input Fields
eq - String | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
like - String | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
lt - String | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
lte - String | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
gt - String | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
gte - String | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
all - Boolean | The Boolean scalar type represents true or false . |
between - Between |
Input Fields
id - String! | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
nextToken - String | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
Specify a named expression to sort the records within a custom index.
Used for sorting and for querying by range conditions.
Input Fields
alias - String! | Identifier for this key. Should be a short, human-readable name. |
| CEL expression which resolves to the value that is to be sorted. Within the expression, the |
sort - SortOrder! | Whether the sort is in ascending or descending order. |
Fields to create a system configuration for a journal.
Input Fields
enableEffectiveBalances - Boolean | When true , records point-in-time effective balances for all accounts in the journal. Defaults to false . |
Filter conditions to apply to a journal query. Filters are only applied if the field is used by the specified index.
Input Fields
journalId - FilterValue | Filter on the journalId field. Required when using index JournalIndex.JOURNAL_ID . |
name - FilterValue | Filter on the name field. Only available when using index JournalIndex.NAME . |
status - FilterValue | Filter on the status field. Only available when using index JournalIndex.STATUS . |
code - FilterValue | Filter on the code field. Only available when using index JournalIndex.CODE . |
Specify the pre-defined JournalIndex and sort order to use in a query.
Input Fields
name - JournalIndex! | Indexes for querying Journals. To optimize query performance and apply desired filters, choose the appropriate index. |
sort - SortOrder | ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending). |
Fields to create a new Journal.
Input Fields
journalId - UUID! | Unique identifier for the journal. |
name - String! | Name for the journal. |
description - String | Description of the journal. |
status - Status! | Operational status of the journal. Default: ACTIVE |
code - String | Optional unique code for the journal. |
config - JournalConfigInput | System config for the journal. |
Journal fields to update.
Input Fields
name - String | Name for the journal. |
description - String | Description of the journal. |
status - Status | Operational status of the journal. |
code - String | The code used to refer to this journal. |
Input Fields
timestampSource - Expression | Uses a timestamp from the specified source for picking the balance limit. By default uses the system transaction.timestamp . Must resolve to a CEL timestamp . @example("timestamp(context.vars.transaction.?metadata.ts.orValue(context.transaction.timestamp))") |
balance - [BalanceLimitInput!]! |
Input Fields
maxResults - Int! | The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1. |
nextToken - String | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
Input Fields
maxResults - Int! | The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1. |
nextToken - String | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
schemaPattern - String | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
database - String! | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
Input Fields
maxResults - Int! | The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1. |
nextToken - String | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
statementName - String | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
status - SqlStatementStatus! |
Input Fields
maxResults - Int! | The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1. |
database - String! | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
nextToken - String | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
schemaPattern - String | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
tablePattern - String | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
Input Fields
accountId - UUID! | Unique identifier for the account this transaction will post to. |
webhook - JSON! | The Transaction webhook object from Lithic. |
journalId - UUID | Unique identifier for the journal this transaction applies to. If not provided, defaults to the default journal that card transaction codes are configured with. |
settlementAccountId - UUID | Unique identifier of the settlement account that transactions will settle from. If not provided, defaults to the default card settlement account. |
Formatting options for money amounts.
Input Fields
locale - String! | Locale represents a Unicode locale identifier. Examples: 'de-DE' , 'hi-IN' |
groupDigits - Boolean! | When true, whole digits will be grouped according to locale. For example, with locale en-US the number 1234567.89 is formatted with grouped digits as 1,234,567.89 . With other locales, these groupings may apply differently. Default: false |
addPlusSign - Boolean! | When true, prefix the number with plus + symbol when the number is positive. Negative numbers are always displayed with a minus - symbol. Default: false |
roundingMode - RoundingMode! | Defines the rounding behavior when the fractional units exceed the maxDigits . Default: HALF_UP |
currencyDisplay - CurrencyDisplay! | Defines how to render the currency indicator. Default: SYMBOL |
minDigits - Int! | Minimum number of fractional digits. When not specified, it will use the default fractional digits for the currency. For example, USD amounts default to 2 minimum digits. Default: 255 |
maxDigits - Int! | Maximum number of fractional digits to show, which informs how rounding behavior is applied via the roundingMode . Defaults to 6. Default: 6 |
Input Fields
units - Decimal! | Decimal is a fixed-precision data type supporting exact representation of numeric values. |
currency - CurrencyCode! | ISO 4217 standard three-character code indicating the currency. |
Input Fields
type - OpensearchSchemaBinaryMappingType! | |
celExpression - Expression! | The CEL expression to index for the document. Example: "document.is_void" |
Input Fields
type - OpensearchSchemaBooleanMappingType! | |
celExpression - Expression! | A literal CEL expression to be evaluated. |
Input Fields
type - OpensearchSchemaDateMappingType! | |
celExpression - Expression! | The CEL expression to index for the document. Example: "document.effective" |
Input Fields
mappings - OpensearchSchemaObjectMappingInput! |
Use one of binaryType
, numericType
, booleanType
, objectType
or stringType
Input Fields
binaryType - OpensearchSchemaBinaryMappingInput | |
numericType - OpensearchSchemaNumericMappingInput | |
booleanType - OpensearchSchemaBooleanMappingInput | |
dateType - OpensearchSchemaDateMappingInput | |
objectType - OpensearchSchemaObjectMappingInput | |
stringType - OpensearchSchemaStringMappingInput |
Input Fields
key - String! | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
value - OpensearchSchemaMappingInput! | Use one of binaryType , numericType , booleanType ,dateType , objectType or stringType . |
Input Fields
stringType - OpensearchSchemaStringMultiFieldInput |
Input Fields
key - String! | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
value - OpensearchSchemaMultiFieldInput! |
Input Fields
type - OpensearchSchemaNumericMappingType! | |
celExpression - Expression! | The CEL expression to index for the document. @example("document.amount.units()") |
Input Fields
type - OpensearchSchemaObjectMappingType! | |
properties - [OpensearchSchemaMappingsInput] |
Input Fields
type - OpensearchSchemaStringMappingType! | |
celExpression - Expression! | The CEL expression to index for the document. Example: "document.description" |
fields - [OpensearchSchemaMultiFieldsInput] | Provide multi-field mappings for this field. |
Input Fields
Define a parameter that can be used when posting transactions using this tran code.
Input Fields
name - String! | Name for the parameter. This is how values passed are accessed. For example, a parameter with name fromAccount can be accessed in the accountId field of an TranCodeEntryInput with params.fromAccount . |
type - ParamDataType! | Data type for the parameter. Default: STRING |
default - Expression | Default value for the parameter. If not provided, the parameter is consider a 'required' parameter, and a value must be provided when posting a transaction. |
description - String | Describe the purpose of this parameter. Help an engineer out. |
Specify a named expression to define a partition key.
Input Fields
alias - String! | Identifier for this partition key. Should be a short, human-readable name. |
| CEL expression which resolves to the value that is to be used for the partition key. Within the expression, the |
Input Fields
lte - String | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
gte - String | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
Input Fields
effect - PolicyEffect! | Whether this Policy is an ALLOW or DENY . |
actions - [PolicyAction]! | The set of actions to allow or deny. |
| The resources to allow or deny. In the format The following namespaces exist:
As do the following resources in the financial namespace:
You can use |
assertions - ExpressionMap | A map of expressions to evaluate this policy with. |
Input Fields
from_region - String! | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
to_region - String! | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
tenant - CreateTenantInput! | |
include_external_indexes - Boolean! | The Boolean scalar type represents true or false . |
SearchFilter supports Opensearch Query DSL under the "query" key
See for more information on how to construct these queries.
Input Fields
index - String! | The name of the search index to use. |
query - JSON! | The Opensearch DSL query to use. |
sort - [JSON] | The open search DSL sort to use. |
Defines the values for the entries written when transactions are posted with this tran code.
Input Fields
accountId - Expression! | Account ID for an entry written when this tran code is invoked. Expression must resolve to a UUID type. |
units - Expression! | Units of currency for an entry written when this tran code is invoked. Expression must resolve to a Decimal type. |
currency - Expression! | Currency used for an entry written when this tran code is invoked. Expression must resolve to a CurrencyCode type. |
direction - Expression! | Direction for an entry written when this tran code is invoked. Expression must resolve to a DebitOrCredit enum type. |
entryType - Expression | Entry type for an entry written when this tran code is invoked. If omitted, defaults to tranCode.code with _CR or _DR appended depending on entry direction . Expression must resolve to a String type. |
layer - Expression | Layer for an entry written when this tran code is invoked. If omitted, defaults to SETTLED layer. Expression must resolve to a Layer enum type. |
description - Expression | Description for an entry written when this tran code is invoked." Expression must resolve to a String type. |
metadata - Expression | Metadata for the entry posted with this tran code. Expression must resolve to a JSON type. Example: "{ 'x': 1, 'y': { 'z': 2 }}" |
condition - Expression | A boolean expression that indicates if this entry should be written. Example: "params.amount > 0" |
Filter conditions to apply to a tran code query. Filters are only applied if the field is used by the specified index.
Input Fields
tranCodeId - FilterValue | Filter on the tranCodeId field. Required when using index TranCodeIndex.TRAN_CODE_ID . |
code - FilterValue | Filter on the code field. Only available when using index TranCodeIndex.CODE . |
status - FilterValue | Filter on the status field. Only available when using index TranCodeIndex.STATUS . |
custom - CustomIndexFilter | Filter conditions for a custom index. Only available when using index TranCodeIndex.CUSTOM . |
search - SearchFilter | Filter conditions for a search. Only available when using index TranCodeIndex.SEARCH . |
Specify the pre-defined TranCodeIndex and sort order to use in a query.
Input Fields
name - TranCodeIndex! | Indexes for querying TranCodes. To optimize query performance and apply desired filters, choose the appropriate index. |
sort - SortOrder | ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending). |
Fields to create a new TranCode.
Input Fields
tranCodeId - UUID! | Internal UUID for the transaction code record. |
code - String! | The tran code represented as a unique string identifier. Example: 'ACH_CREDIT' |
description - String | Explanation of what this tran code represents and how it should be used. This provides documentation for the tran code. |
params - [ParamDefinitionInput] | Define the parameters that can be used when posting transactions using this tran code. |
transaction - TranCodeTransactionInput! | Define the values for the transaction posted when this tran code is invoked. |
entries - [TranCodeEntryInput!]! | Define the values of entries written when transactions are posted with this tran code. |
metadata - JSON | Metadata attached to this tran code. |
Define the values for the transaction posted when this tran code is invoked.
Input Fields
effective - Expression | Effective date for the transaction posted with this tran code. If ommitted, defaults to date.Today() . Expression must be a valid ISO 8601 formatted date. @example("date('2022-12-23')") |
journalId - Expression | Journal ID for the transaction posted with this tran code. If omitted, the default journal will be used. Expression must resolve to a UUID type. @example("uuid('b28f5684-0834-4292-8016-d2f2fb0367a9')") |
correlationId - Expression | Correlation ID for the transaction posted with this tran code. Expression must resolve to a String type. Example: "'5a028997'" |
externalId - Expression | External ID for the transaction posted with this tran code. Expression must resolve to a String type. Example: "'45415819'" |
description - Expression | Description for the transaction posted with this tran code. Expression must resolve to a String type. @example("'TX for ' + string(params.amount)") |
metadata - Expression | Metadata for the transaction posted with this tran code. Expression must resolve to a JSON type. Example: "{ 'x': 1, 'y': { 'z': 2 }}" |
TranCode fields to update.
Input Fields
description - String | Explanation of what this tran code represents and how it should be used. This provides documentation for the tran code. |
params - [ParamDefinitionInput] | Define the parameters that can be used when posting transactions using this tran code. Replaces existing parameters definition. |
transaction - TranCodeTransactionInput | Define values for transaction posted when this tran code is invoked. Replaces existing transaction definition. |
entries - [TranCodeEntryInput] | Define the values of entries written when transactions are posted with this tran code. Replaces existing entry definition. |
status - Status | Operational status of the tran code. |
metadata - JSON | Metadata attached to this tran code. |
Filter conditions to apply to a transaction query. Filters are only applied if the field is used by the specified index.
Input Fields
journalId - FilterValue | Specify the Journal to use with eq . If omitted, the default journal will be used. |
transactionId - FilterValue | Filter on the transactionId field. Required when using index TransactionIndex.TRANSACTION_ID . |
correlationId - FilterValue | Filter on the correlationId field. Required when using index TransactionIndex.CORRELATION_ID . |
externalId - FilterValue | Filter on the externalId field. Required when using index TransactionIndex.EXTERNAL_ID . |
custom - CustomIndexFilter | Filter conditions for a custom index. Only available when using index TransactionIndex.CUSTOM . |
search - SearchFilter | Filter conditions for a search. Only available when using index TransactionIndex.SEARCH . |
transactionIds - [UUID] | Retrieve up to 100 transactions by id. |
Specify the pre-defined TransactionIndex and sort order to use in a query.
Input Fields
name - TransactionIndex! | Indexes for querying Transactions. To optimize query performance and apply desired filters, choose the appropriate index. |
sort - SortOrder | ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending). |
Fields to post a new Transaction.
Input Fields
transactionId - UUID! | The ID is required to ensure an idempotent transaction. |
tranCode - String! | String corresponding to the code of a TranCode to be used for this transaction. |
tranCodeVersion - Int | Version of the tran code to use in this transaction. If not supplied, the latest version will be used. |
params - JSON | Params object specifying values for the params defined in the corresponding TranCode. |
Transaction fields to update.
Input Fields
externalId - String | Allows specifying a unique external ID associated with this transaction. |
description - String | Description of the transaction. |
metadata - JSON | Arbitrary structured data about this transaction. |
Input Fields
policies - [PolicyInput]! | Replaces the existing policies with this new set of policies. |
Input Fields
name - String! | A human-friendly name for the group, such as 'Admins' or 'DataAnalysts'. |
description - String | A brief description of the group's purpose, intended to provide additional context. |
| A set of policies to apply to this group, formatted as a JSON list that define the permissions granted to users within this group. Valid actions include Example:
Input Fields
timestampSource - Expression | Uses timestamp from the specified source for picking the balance limit. By default uses the transaction timestamp. Must resolve to a CEL timestamp . @example("timestamp(context.vars.transaction.?metadata.ts.orValue(context.transaction.timestamp))") |
balance - [BalanceLimitInput] |
Input Fields
| A globally unique identifier representing an environment within the organization. This accountId, when combined with an AWS region, is used to calculate the database tenant. |
name - String | A human-friendly name for the tenant, used for display purposes and easier identification. |
description - String | A brief description of the tenant, providing additional context about its purpose or characteristics. |
Input Fields
groupIds - [UUID] | A list of unique identifiers for the groups to which the user belongs. The user's permissions are determined by the combined policies of these groups. |
email - String! | The user's email address, which serves as a unique identifier and primary means of contact. |
Input Fields
name - String | If set, updates name of velocity control. |
description - String | If set, updates description of velocity control. |
enforcement - VelocityEnforcementInput | If set, updates the enforcement type of the velocity control. |
condition - Expression | If set, updates the condition for the velocity control. |
Input Fields
name - String | If set, updates name of velocity limit. |
description - String | If set, updates description of velocity limit. |
limit - UpdateLimitInput | If set, updates the limit of the velocity limit. |
currency - CurrencyCode | If set, sets the currency of the velocity limit. Cannot unset. |
condition - Expression | If Set, sets the condition of the velocity limit. |
Input Fields
velocityControlId - FilterValue | Filter on the velocityControlId field. Required when using index VelocityControlIndex.VELOCITY_CONTROL_ID . |
velocityLimitId - FilterValue | Filter on the velocityLimitId field. Required when using index VelocityControlIndex.VELOCITY_RULE_ID . |
name - FilterValue | Filter on the name field. Required when using index VelocityControlIndex.NAME . |
accountId - FilterValue | Filter on attached accounts via accountId . Required when using index VelocityControlIndex.ACCOUNT_ID . |
Input Fields
name - VelocityControlIndex! | |
sort - SortOrder | ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending). |
Input Fields
velocityControlId - UUID! | Unique identifier for this velocity control. |
name - String! | Human readable name for this velocity control. |
description - String! | Human readable description for this velocity control. |
enforcement - VelocityEnforcementInput! | The type of enforcement this velocity control generates. |
condition - Expression | A boolean expression indicating if this control should trigger enforcement. The account , transaction and entry are available for use on context.vars . @example("context.vars.transaction.?metadata.skipVelocityControl.orElse(false))") |
velocityLimitIds - [UUID] | Add these velocity limits to the control. |
Input Fields
action - VelocityEnforcementAction! |
Input Fields
velocityLimitId - FilterValue | Filter on the velocityLimitId field. Required when using index VelocityLimitIndex.VELOCITY_RULE_ID . |
name - FilterValue | Filter on the name field. Required when using index VelocityLimitIndex.NAME . |
Input Fields
name - VelocityLimitIndex! | |
sort - SortOrder | ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending). |
Input Fields
velocityLimitId - UUID! | 128-bit universally unique identifier (UUID). Used for most ID fields on records. |
name - String! | Human readable name of this rule. |
description - String! | " Human readable description of this rule. |
| Group by these values to index the calculation. The |
condition - Expression | A boolean expression indicating if an balance entry should be written. The account , transaction and entry are available for use in the window computation on context.vars . @example("has(context.vars.account.metadata.policyPayment)") |
limit - LimitInput! | The limit to enforce. Can supply different limits based |
currency - CurrencyCode! | Currency this limit applies to. If set to empty string, applies limit to all currencies. |
params - [ParamDefinitionInput] | The parameters for VelocityLimit.limit . |
velocityControlIds - [UUID] | Add the limit to the velocity controls in this list. |
Input Fields
accountId - UUID! | The account or set id to search for velocity. |
velocityControlId - UUID! | Limit the search to this velocity control Id. |
velocityLimitId - UUID | Limit the search to this velocity limit. |
window - JSON! | The window to search. If velocityLimitId not present, will return any limit that supports the entire window. |
currency - CurrencyCode! | Return the velocity limit for this currency. Default: "USD" |
Fields to execute a new workflow.
Input Fields
workflowId - UUID | 128-bit universally unique identifier (UUID). Used for most ID fields on records. |
executionId - UUID! | 128-bit universally unique identifier (UUID). Used for most ID fields on records. |
code - String | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
task - String! | The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. |
params - JSON | JSON object. |