
When making queries which can potentially return high-cardinality lists, the Twisp API supports cursor-based pagination.

The Twisp GraphQL API implements a cursor-based pagination model using the Relay GraphQL Cursor Connections Specification. This specification provides guidelines for making paginated requests using a concept called "Connections." Connections facilitate the process of fetching data in chunks (or pages) from a GraphQL API.

For a step-by-step guide on using pagination in a GraphQL operation, see the Querying Paginated Fields tutorial.

Heuristics for Paginated Queries

Within the GraphQL schema, pluralized query fields (e.g. Query.entries, Query.tranCodes) return Connection types. No matter what type of record we query, the same pattern can be applied. You can use these basic heuristics across the schema:

  • When querying a field with a *Connection type response, you must indicate the number of records to return with the first argument.
  • To determine if there are additional records beyond the current page, query the pageInfo object.
  • To get the next page of n records, use the cursor provided pageInfo.endCursor as the after argument.
  • When there are no more records, pageInfo.hasNextPage will be false.

This is an abstracted example of an imaginary widgets query to return Widget records:

query {
    after: "<cursor>" # Cursor indicating the start point.
    first: 5          # Number of nodes (widgets) to return.
  ) {
    __typename        # => WidgetConnection
    edges {
      __typename      # => WidgetConnectionEdge
      cursor          # Cursor position of the current edge.
      node {          # The Widget record at this edge position.
        # ...         # Field queries on the Widget record.
    nodes {           # Alternate access to all `node` objects within `edges`
      __typename      # => Widget
      # ...           # Field queries on the Widget record.
    pageInfo {
      hasPreviousPage # True if there are nodes in the connection before the current page / start cursor.
      hasNextPage     # True if there are nodes in the connection after the current page / end cursor.
      startCursor     # Query cursor for the first node in the current page.
      endCursor       # Query cursor for the last node in the current page.

The rest of this reference page will go into the specifics of cursor-based pagination using the accounts query as an example, but the same principles can be applied to every query resolving to a *Connection type.

Querying Lists with the First Argument

When making queries to fields which resolve to paginated lists of records, the required first argument is used to specify the maximum number of records to return.

For example, when using the journals query, we can request only the first 5 journals using the following query. We query the nodes field to get fields from the list of records returned.

Query the first 5 accounts

query GetFirst5CustomerAccounts {
    index: { name: CODE }
    where: { code: { like: "CUST." } }
    first: 5
  ) {
    nodes {

This example assumes a ledger structure where journals follow the code format of CUST.<customer name>. Note also that the index used is automatically alphabetically sorted.

Connections use PageInfo to Enable Pagination

To query the nest page of records, we need to specify the cursor position to begin at by providing a value to the after argument of the query field. This tells the query to start at the cursor position and return the subsequent n records, where n is the number specified by the first argument.

The pageInfo field returns a PageInfo object with the information needed to perform this kind of cursor-based pagination. It will tell us whether there are records (pages) before the startCursor of the current page and whether there are records (pages) after the endCursor.


query GetAccountsWithPageInfo {
    index: { name: CODE }
    where: { code: { like: "CUST." } }
    first: 5
  ) {
    nodes {
    pageInfo {

With this set of information, we have everything we need to write paginated queries.

Querying with Cursors

To make subsequent queries for additional pages of records, we use the cursor provided at pageInfo.endCursor from the current page as the after argument when querying the subsequent page.

To simplify this procedure, let's imagine that there are 13 records that can be returned by a particular query, and we want to paginate using pages of 5 records each. We would need to perform three query operations:

  1. To get the first page of 5 records, use first: 5 while omitting the after argument to specify that we want to start our query at the beginning of the list. Query the pageInfo.endCursor.
  2. To get the next page, use first: 5 and after: X where X is the cursor returned in the first page's pageInfo.endCursor.
  3. To get the final page, use first: 5 and after: Y where Y is the cursor returned in the second page's pageInfo.endCursor.

We can also render this 3-page query sequence as a table:

PageAfter CursorRecords (Nodes)End CursorNext Page?
1null1..55b11e58c (for record #5)TRUE
25b11e58c6..101b47d1e9 (for record #10)TRUE
31b47d1e911..13092e5914 (for record #13)FALSE

Following up on the previous example using the journals query, we can use the pageInfo.endCursor from the first response as the after argument to get the next 5 journals:


query GetNext5Accounts {
    index: { name: CODE }
    where: { code: { like: "CUST." } }
    first: 5
    after: "Ad70l6_nkaCU5AFDVVNULkNhcnJpZQABAAAA_wD_AP8A_wD_AP8A_wD_AP8A_wD_AP8A_wD_AP8A_wABIg"
  ) {
    nodes {
    pageInfo {

Nodes and Edges

Technically, every *Connection type returns a set of edges where each edge is identified by its cursor and contains a reference to a node which contains the record being queried (in this example, an Account object).

The nodes field used in the above is simply a shorthand way of accessing all the node fields of every edge in the edges list. Similarly, the startCursor and endCursor fields from pageInfo are just shorthand ways to access the cursor of the first and last edge in the edges list, respectively.

In the example below, the journals query returns an JournalConnection type with an edges field containing a list of JournalConnectionEdge objects. Each JournalConnectionEdge object has a cursor position and a node referencing the Journal record.


query GetAccountEdgesWithCursor {
    index: { name: CODE }
    where: { code: { like: "CUST." } }
    first: 5
    after: "Ad70l6_nkaCU5AFDVVNULkNhcnJpZQABAAAA_wD_AP8A_wD_AP8A_wD_AP8A_wD_AP8A_wD_AP8A_wABIg"
  ) {
    edges {
      node {
    pageInfo {

For most pagination queries, only the nodes field is needed. In the various examples shown in Twisp's documentation, we will usually omit edges and just query nodes to keep the response smaller and easier to read.

Why Cursor-Based Pagination?

The GraphQL core team has spent a lot more time on these questions than we have, and they recommend opaque cursors as the best approach.

In general, we've found that cursor-based pagination is the most powerful of those designed.

There are other models out there, but for the GraphQL protocol this method provides the greatest combination of flexibility, specificity, and performance.

Response Format