
Pulling Balances

In this tutorial, we will learn how to query account balances using the GraphQL API.

Twisp provides a robust GraphQL schema that allows users to query account balances using a variety of filters and indexes.

  • Get a single balance for a specific account and currency with the balance query
  • Get a set of balances for a given set of conditions with the balances query
  • Pull the balance for an account with the Account.balance field
  • Pull an aggregate balance for accounts in a set with the AccountSet.balance field


Before you start, you should have added accounts to your ledger and posted some transactions. See the tutorials on Setting Up Accounts and Posting Transactions.

Getting started

The easiest way to interact with the Twisp GraphQL API is to login to the Twisp Console and use the GraphiQL tool.

If you prefer to use your own GraphQL client, you can send authenticated requests to the Twisp API endpoint.

To seed your setup with some example accounts, sets, and tran codes, you can use the Example Setup.

Retrieve an account UUID

First, you will need to retrieve the UUID for the account that you want to query. You can do this by querying for the account using the accounts query, and specifying any relevant filters.

For example, to retrieve the UUID for an account with the code CHECKING, you can use the following GraphQL query:

query {
    index: { name: CODE }
    where: { code: { eq: "CHECKING" } }
    first: 1
  ) {
    nodes {

This query will return the UUID and name for any accounts with the code CHECKING.

Query the account balance

Once you have the UUID for the account that you want to query, you can use the balance query to retrieve the balance for that account.

The balance query takes two arguments:

  • journalId (required): the UUID of the journal to retrieve the balance from.
  • currency (required): the currency code of the balance to retrieve.

For example, to retrieve the settled normal balance for the account with UUID "3ea12e45-7df2-4293-9434-feb792affc91" in journal with UUID "4e9d9f6c-0cc3-4a8e-9d1a-0de5a47b0c8b", you can use the following GraphQL query:

query {
    accountId: "3ea12e45-7df2-4293-9434-feb792affc91"
    journalId: "4e9d9f6c-0cc3-4a8e-9d1a-0de5a47b0c8b"
    currency: "USD"
  ) {
    settled {
      normalBalance {

This query will return the USD settled normal balance amount in decimal units for for the account given in the specified journal.

Query multiple balances

If you want to retrieve multiple balances at once, you can use the balances query instead. The balances query takes the same arguments as the balance query, but also allows you to specify additional filters to narrow down the results.

For example, to retrieve all balances for the account with UUID "3ea12e45-7df2-4293-9434-feb792affc91" in currency "USD", you can use the following GraphQL query:

query {
    index: { name: ACCOUNT_ID }
    where: { accountId: { eq: "3ea12e45-7df2-4293-9434-feb792affc91" } }
    first: 5
  ) {
    nodes {
      settled {
        normalBalance {

This query retrieves information about the balances of a specific account. It requests the first five balances for the account with an accountId of "3ea12e45-7df2-4293-9434-feb792affc91", and returns the journalId, currency, and normalBalance for each balance on the account.

Query a balance using the Account.balance field

To query an account balance using the balance field on an Account type, you will need to provide the journalId and currency arguments. The journalId argument specifies the ID of the journal for the balance, and the currency argument specifies the currency of the balance.

For example, to retrieve the USD settled normal balance for the account with UUID "3ea12e45-7df2-4293-9434-feb792affc91" in journal with UUID "4e9d9f6c-0cc3-4a8e-9d1a-0de5a47b0c8b", you can use the following GraphQL query:

query {
  account(id: "3ea12e45-7df2-4293-9434-feb792affc91") {
    balance(journalId: "4e9d9f6c-0cc3-4a8e-9d1a-0de5a47b0c8b", currency: "USD") {
      settled {
        normalBalance {

Note that this is effectively the same as using the balance query above: it will return the account's USD settled normal balance amount in decimal units in the specified journal.

You can also query for multiple balances on accounts using the Account.balances field. This can be useful for accounts that contain entries across multiple journals, or for accounts that contain multiple currencies.

Query a balance for an account set

To query balances for an account set, you can use the balances query with the accountSetId argument. Balances for an account set are calculated by summing the journal balances of all accounts that are members of the account set.

In this context, the journal balance for an account is the balance for all entries posted to the journal that the account set is tied to. So an account set will only show balances for entries posted to the account set's journal.

For example, to retrieve the USD balance for an account set with UUID "d1a2e7e9-7a6d-4d82-bf6c-2c8d91b1c1f6", you can use the following GraphQL query:

query {
  accountSet(id: "d1a2e7e9-7a6d-4d82-bf6c-2c8d91b1c1f6") {
    balance(currency: "USD") {
      settled {
        normalBalance {

This query retrieves the USD balance of the account set with UUID "d1a2e7e9-7a6d-4d82-bf6c-2c8d91b1c1f6". The currency argument in the balance field specifies the currency to use for the balance calculation. The query includes the normalBalance field of the settled balance layer, which returns the decimal units for the normal balance of the account set.

You can also query for multiple balances on account sets using the AccountSet.balances field. This can be useful for account sets that track accounts across multiple currencies.


Twisp's GraphQL schema provides a powerful set of tools for querying account balances. By leveraging the balance and balances queries, you can quickly and easily retrieve the balance information you need for your ledger entries and financial reporting.

Posting Transactions